a project by
Vivien Sakura Brandl (Editor)
Mario Kiesenhofer (Art Director, Editor)
Andreas Spiegl (Editor, Text)
»mode blogg« is a publication based on a series of projects that have been realized in cooperation by the artist Mario Kiesenhofer, Sight Store Vienna and the cultural theorist Andreas Spiegl. The aim of the projects has been the mediation of fashion in dialogue with other artistic genres in order to locating it in realms of inter- and transdisciplinarity. In correspondence with fine arts and architecture one could grasp the cultural and political range of fashion its form as a mode to dislike the normative figures of the anxieties to please.
»mode blogg« contains the documentation of the variety of projects (in Graz, Linz, Munich, Tokyo and Vienna) as well as the attempt to offer theoretical threads along the debates on the location of fashion in culture. And yet the fact that some threads seemingly got too long or too short, is linked up and scaled to the material at stake: fashion for the sake of fashion.